HELPLINE: ctrl -alt -del
When you are connected, via smartphone or PC, sometimes unpleasant incidents can occur with your friends and friends or with your partner. Let’s discover together some phenomena that it is important to know and recognize when you relate to other people through the network.
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Email: helpline@ctrl-alt-del.eu
Call Us on Wednesdays from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.

If someone asked you to show on webcam, if you sent pushed selfies to your boyfriend or girlfriend and this/a sent them to other people, if you found your intimate material on porn sites or social networks, If the/the guy/girl you refused ridicules you on group chats, if your boyfriend or girlfriend checks your phone, you may have been a victim of online crime. In these cases it is important not to isolate or be ashamed, but you need to ask for help, possibly to an expert in the field. These situations can be very dangerous and it is important to act promptly. We are not here to judge your behavior, but to listen to you and help you solve the problem.

If a friend of yours or a friend has been the victim of online crimes, if you have received on your phone their photos and intimate videos or maybe you have seen this material browsing the web, if you know that they are in contact with unknown people and you think that they may be in danger, if you notice that they are experiencing a “violent” and “possessive” relationship offer them your support, making it clear that they are not alone.

If you have shared intimate photos or videos of your boyfriend or girlfriend in a chat, if you have teased a guy or girl about their physical appearance after being rejected or rejected, if you check your partner’s phone, You may have committed crimes online. You probably thought it was a “stunt,” but the consequences got out of hand. Also in this case it is important to contact an expert, even just for a consultation or a clarification.
No one is here to judge you, but to help you. Early action is important to avoid further negative consequences for you and the other person involved.
Remember that in all these cases even your parents and teachers are at your side, do not be afraid to confide in an adult you trust.
To ensure your online safety
It is helpful that you always keep in mind these good practices to implement for your online security
Do not give too many details about your private life, where you meet with friends, where you play sports, your favorite local, the school you attend, the name of your friends
Set the privacy parameters of your social accounts so that they are accessible and accessible only by your friends;
Do not activate the geolocation on the mobile phone while you make the “live” on social;
Do not send intimate photos or videos to strangers through social networks, in particular avoid sending material easily traceable to your identification (especially avoid filming the face) and that could easily become “viral”. Remember that everything that ends up on the net can hardly be eliminated completely, especially if subjected to numerous shares;
Do not forward to friends or partners photos or videos of your intimacy. An engagement can end, a friend can make a “stunt” and you risk to easily lose control of the spread on the web of this material;
If your partner, your ex, or other attackers blackmail you, pressure you, or threaten you to get your intimate photos or videos sent, or sexual performance does not consent to the request. Save your conversations using screenshots and gather as much evidence as possible to report the perpetrator. Yielding to the demands of the blackmailer will not free you from the same which, on the contrary, in the face of condescending behavior will increase his illicit demands.
Gather evidence of wrongdoing now
Do not delete or edit files, images and videos on your computer, mobile phone, tablet or other computer media used so that you do not risk losing data that may be important for investigation.
If private images or videos have been released without your consent and ended up, for example, on porn sites, it is important to save the link so that you can immediately request the site manager to block them.
The collection of evidence, as well as a complaint made in a short time, can make easier the work of investigators in tracing and collecting various computer evidence, with particular regard to IP addresses and log files, necessary to identify and prosecute those responsible.
If you are the victim of blackmail, violence, threats, it is important not to give in to the requests of the attacker but to take immediate action to save the evidence of the offense and press charges.