#Error405 is a social media campaign to raise awareness on the issues of the OTDV, ie violence in relationships between teenagers that spreads and is manifested through social media.
From hate messages to non-consensual sharing of intimate images, the theme of the Online Teen Dating Violence puts in the foreground the need to analyze the new dynamics with which, through social, teens live relationships, their behavior and their perception of intimacy violation.
In computer systems, the #Error405 encodes the so-called “Method not allowd”.
In the system of relationships woven by teenagers through social networks, it is possible to run into not allowed methods, that, like real bugs, can be harmful or cause harm to those who enter our network of connections.
“Error405 – Method not allowd” through a series of contents/formats designed and created by students, focuses precisely on the need to support adolescents, giving them the tools to identify violent or damaging behaviors, described as “bugs”.
The social campaign “Error405 – Method not allowed“, was conceived as part of the European research project Ctrl+Alt+Del (Control Your Images. Say Alt. Delete from the Web) by a partnership composed by Protom, the first KTI (Knowledge & Technology Intensive) Italian company, the Department of Humanities of the University of Naples Federico II, the association Roots in Action and the Belgian Luca School of Arts.
The initiative aims to raise awareness among young people against violence and abuse via social media and web and is embodied in the social campaign designed and implemented by 200 students of five schools (Liceo Statale E. Medi, Cicciano – ISIS Europa, Pomigliano d’arco – Liceo Statale Braucci, Caivano – ITT E. Barsanti, Pomigliano d’arco – Istituto di Istruzione Secondaria di II Grado M. Serao, Pomigliano d’arco) who took part in the project
The aim of the #Error405 campaign is to inform adolescents about OTDV issues, to allow them to identify and respond to “Not Allowes Methods”, learning to protect their own intimacy and return value to that of others.
The project Ctrl+Alt+Del (Control Your Images. Say Alt. Delete from the Web) funded by the European Commission under the program “Rights, Equality and Citizenship”, conceived and implemented by an international partnership that sees together the Department of Humanities Studies of the University of Naples “Federico II”, Protom, Roots In Action and LUCA School of Arts., involved 200 students between 13 and 19 years, 40 Teachers, 40 Professionals, 80 Parents in a training and information path on the theme of the OTDV.
As part of the actions put in place, an innovative theoretical-operational model of preventive intervention is developed based on awareness-focused modes of emotional experience.
An innovative aspect of the project is the involvement of students trained on the theme who become protagonists of the activity of information and awareness of the risks of the web in the management of their intimate relationships.
Dissemination kit
The Kit is a tool for the dissemination of project activities: it was created in order to make possible the replication of the educational experience in new contexts, thus making available and freely accessible the materials necessary for its implementation. More precisely the kit is structured in the following sections:
- Introduction
- Theoretical model CTRL+ALT+DEL for the training of educational staff
- Theoretical-operational model CTRL+ALT+DEL for conscientization activities with teenagers on the Online Teen Dating Violence
- Theoretical-operational model CTRL+ALT+DEL for the development of awareness-raising activities on the Online Teen Dating Violence